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五个德国人和五个英国人 【一则笑话】
点击:178 来源:深圳潜龙家教 发布日期:2016-10-23

                                Five Germans and Five Englishmen~a joke


Five Englishmen got on a train from London to Paris.They sat just behind five Germans.The five Germans,as a group,bought only one ticket.


Just before the conductor came, all the Germans went to the toilet at the back of the carriage.As the conductor came through,he knocked and called: "Ticket,please!"


One of the Germans showed his ticket under the door.When it was safe,all the Germans came out and took their seats. The Englishmen were deeply impressed by the Germans.


On the trip back,the five Englishmen decided to try this themselves and bought one ticket. but the five Germans bought no tickets this time.


Once again,just before the conductor came,the Germans went into one toilet and the Englishmen went into the opposite one.Then one of the Germans came out.He knocked on the Englishmen's door and called:" Ticket,please!"When the ticket was showed under the door,he took it and quickly went back to the Germans' toilet.












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