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中考同义句 句型精选50题
点击:3186 来源:潜龙家教网 发布日期:2011-08-24

1. Do remember to lock the door when you leave.

    ______ _______you lock the door when you leave.

2. The little girl wanted to know when her father could take her to Paris.

    The little girl wanted to know______ ______ be taken to Paris.

3. French is not the first language in any of these countries.

    French is the first language in ______ _______ these countries.

4. My uncle left the room. he said nothing to us.

    My uncle left the room______ _______ anything to us.

5. He wasn't good at English. I thought.

    I____ _____ ______he was good at English.

6. Both Mike and Mary have been to Beijing. (否定句)

    ______Mike ______Mary ______been to Beijing.

7. It took him an hour to write the letter.

    He _______an hour _______ the letter.

8. We should knock a long stick into the earth.

    A long stick _______ ________ _______into the earth.

9. She paid 400 yuan for the new bike.

    The new bike_______ ______400 yuan.

10. How about playing basketball with us?

    ____ ______play football with us?

11. "Will Wang Feng come here in a minute?" she asked.

    She asked ______Wang Feng ______ come here in a minute?

12. Jim didn't visit the museum yesterday. He stayed at home.

    Jim stayed at home yesterday_______ ______visiting the museum.

13. There are more people in China than in India.

    The ________ of China is ________ than that of India.

14. The talk is very important.

    The talk is _____ great ______.

15. He can't catch the bus if he doesn't run fast.

    He can't catch the bus______ he ______ fast.

16. You should let someone repair the TV set.

    You should ______ the TV set __________.

17. Jim wants to go boatingand his parents want to go boating, too.

    Jim wants to go boating and________ _______his parents.

18. The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldn't skate on it.

    The ice on the lake was not ______ enough ______ people to____ _____.

19. How many people are there in France.

    ______ _____the population of France?

20. We hold the International Kite Festival in Weifang every year.

    The International Kite Festival____ _______in Weifang every year.

21. They say that Mr. liu can speak German.

    ______ ______that Mr. Liu can speak German.

22. My sister prefers reading to going shopping.

    My sister likes_______ ______than going shopping.

    My sister prefers____ _____rather than______ shopping.

23. I feel like going to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

    I_______like to____to the zoo with my friends this Saturday.

24. He doesn't do any other things. He is only on internet.

    He is always on internet______ _____doing other things.

25. The picture was usually put up in the park near the playground.

    The picture was put up in the park____to the playground as_______.

26. It seems that he has had a cold.

    He seems_____ ______had a cold.

27. The tree is so tall that we can't reach it.

    The tree is______tall______us ______ _____.

28. I'm interested in the old museum in this city.

    The old museum in this city______ ______ _____me.

29. They knew everything only after you told him.

    They knew______ _______ you told him.

30. There are many trees around the house. It's my house.

    The house______many trees around is _______.

31. I won't pass the exam if you don't help.

    I won't pass the exam ______ your_______.

32. Father Christmas comes from a real person in history.

    Father Christmas is ________ ____ a real person in history.

33. He doesn't know much Japanese.

    He ______ only a______Japanese.

34. If you ask him, he will you tell you the truth.

    _______him,______he will tell you the truth.

35. She likes to make her own clothes. She doesn't like to buy them in shops.

    She prefers making her own clothes_____ _____buying them in shops.

36. Neither Tom nor Jack read yesterday's newspaper.

    Tom didn't read yesterday's newspaper,_______ ________Jack.

37. I heard he was singing in the next room.

    I heard_______ ______in the next room.

38. Peter is 150 centimeters tall, so is Mike.

    Mike is the same_______ ______Peter.

39. The doctor told him to stop smoking.

    The doctor told him to _____ _______smoking.

40. Please don't make our room dirty.

    Please _____ our classroom____.

41. The heavy rain stopped them from leaving home.

    The heavy rain_______ them _______ at home.

42. This book isn't as interesting as that one.

    This book is _______interesting than that one.

43. There are more people in this city than in that city.

    The _____ of this city is_______than _____of that one.

44. This book has nothing to do with English.

    This book is_____ _______English.

45. Bob had no teacher, but he learned English well at his young age.

    Bob________ ______English when he was young.

46. There's nobody but a passenger in the bus.

    There's______ one passenger in the bus.

47. Bob's lonely because it's difficult for him to make friends.

    Bob's lonely because he______ ________at making friends.

48. Plant more trees every year and the desert will become green in a few years' time.

    If you plant more trees every year, the desert will______ ______ with green trees in a few years' time.

49. The jacket cost so little that he bought it.

    The jacket _____ ______ ______for him to buy.

50. His father is working.

    His father is ______ _______


答案:1. Make sure      2. when to      3. none of     4. without saying    

             5. didn't think that  6. Neither nor has   7. spent writing(on)   

             8. should be knocked     9. cost her    10.Why not   

            11. if/whether would        12. instead of     13. population larger

            14. of importance    15. unless runs     16. have repaired    17. so do

            18. thick for skate on 19. What is     20. is held    21. It's said  

            22. reading better    23. would go   24. instead of    25. next usual

            26. to have     27. too for to reach     28. is interesting to

            29. nothing before/until    30. with mine   31. without help 

            32.  based on   33. knows little   34. Ask and   35. instead of

            36. neither/nor did    37. him singing 38. heitht as   39. give up 

            40. keep clean  41. kept staying  42. less    43. population larger that

            44. not about    45. taught himself 46.only   47. is bad    48. be covered

            49. was cheap enough      50. at work

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