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八年级下册英语综合练习册B本Unit 7 答案
点击:726 来源:深圳潜龙家教 发布日期:2022-05-27

A 1-8 dhfg  aceb
B 1 People have dreamed of space for many years
  2 It is one of the largest radio telescopes in the world
C1 5 1 3 2 4
C2 1 They wrote a book about important discoveries of the stars and planet
  2 The Chinese spacecraft Chang'e 4 landed on the far side of the moon
 3 strong body,spirit of exploration and bravery to overcome difficulties
A 1-6 unknown, creatures, discovered, damaged, as soon as possible, in fear
B1 as the batteries were used up
  2 Because of a bad cold
 3 because of her carelessness
 4 because she has to take piano lessons
  5 since he has been there before
  6 because I knew no one there
第81页 听力略
abcdef:2 1 3 4 6 5
1-8 aaad    bcad
1 The trip to the moon
2 As many of hus books were about the new promise of science
3 He wrote about travel in space(详见第二段正中间)
4 His works gave scientists great ideas
5 From Beme's books
C2 1 请从文中归纳
    2 请您自己查找相关资料
1 When a spaceship landed by a lake. Two aliens came out of it. 
2 friendly and asked me to go with them. They asked us to show them around the town
3 and we flew over the town. Seeing lots of beautiful scenery
4 go out of the spaceship and said goodbye to them
5 excited and happy

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